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We are usually pretty on top of the new Studio McGee collection launches at Target since they have a history of selling out quick - but somehow the most recent 2021 holiday collection slipped under our radar, which is saying something because it's surprisingly good! There are a lot of affordable versions of holiday collections being sold by pricier home decor brands (McGee & Co. for one!)
While there are definitely times to invest in quality home pieces that will last for years, we tend to think that holiday decor is one area where opting for more affordable versions makes a lot of sense. Not only does it mean that nothing is too precious for storage eleven months of the year, but it also gives you the flexibility to switch up your decor if your tastes change in future years.
To save you the time and effort of parsing through the collection for the best pieces, we went ahead and rounded up our top twelve!
We'd love to hear, what are your go to shops for holiday decor?